August 2003


Aizkraukle lies within
Viduslatvija lowland, on the lofty right bank of Daugava River’s
ancient valley. A minor area of the region is situated on the left riverside.
The name of Aizkraukle developed between the 8th to 11th centuries when
at the mouth of the tiny river Akskere by the Daugava was situated a quay
of ancient Scandinavians; and their anchorage; probably was exactly beside
the Latvian (Latgalians, Selians) settlement. Monk Indrikis has recorded
the name of Aizkraukle in his chronicles (1204), describing Aizkraukle
castle and the bloody battles by the foot of this castle.
Aizkraukle among other Latvian towns is one of the youngest. Its prime
origin dates back to the 1960ies. After the construction of Plavinas hydropower
plant was started a new village of builders started to shape. The village
continued to grow until the year 1967, when it gained a status of town.
It was the time when the town matured to the district centre. During those
days and later, up to the year 1990 the town had the name of Stucka. Everything
essential to district centre sprang up – administration buildings,
district hospital and culture house, schools, hotel etc. In 1990 the town
was renamed to Aizkraukle.
The southwestern part of town clings close to Plavinas reservoir (the
area: 45 square kilometres). The reservoir’s width at that spot
reaches nearly 3 km, the depth 47 metres. Below the dam the river level
counts 32 metres above sea surface, the width of the Daugava narrowing
to 250 metres, its depth being about 3.5 metres.
There are 4 kindergartens, 2 primary schools, a secondary school and gymnasium,
a vocational secondary school, P.Barison Music school, Art school and
Sport school in Aizkraukle region. There is also Centre for Children and
Youth financed by municipality. In a sphere of adult education operates
Aizkraukle district Adult education centre, Job seekers club of State
Employment Service, Agriculture consulting office, Schools board and parishes.
Medical services provide Aizkraukle hospital, health
centre, private practises of dentists and doctors.
Leisure activities.
There are 2 libraries, museum with open-air stage and a brand-new Ice
hall (owner "Gaisma", Ltd) that provides public skating, figure
skating and hockey training, hockey games.
Sport organization "Varpa" offers a stadium, sport centre and
swimming pool.
There are several options for recreation in an open air ("Cepli",
"Zarini" – sauna, swimming pool, seminar room). Culture
houses organize concerts, performances, festivals and others.
There is a hotel "Perse" in the centre of town.
http://www.aizkraukle.lv - Aizkraukle


Aizkraukle atrodas Viduslatvijas
zemiene Lejasdaugavas senlejas augstaja labaja krasta.
Aizkraukle ir viena no jaunakajam pilsetam
Latvija. Tas pirmsakumi saistas ar Plavinu HES celtniecibu sešdesmitajos
gados. 1967.gada toreizejais Stuckas ciemats kluva par pilsetu, bet 1991.
gada ieguva vesturisko vietas nosaukumu - Aizkraukle.
Aizkraukles novada ekonomika domine daudznozaru
tautsaimnieciba. Tas galvenas nozares ir: energetika, kokapstrade, poligrafija
un lauksaimnieciba.
Kulturas un sporta infrastruktura nozimigu
vietu ienem jaunuzcelta starptautiskiem standartiem atbilstoša ledus
Izdevigais geografiskais izvietojums un
attistitais ekonomiskais potencials veido augošas un perspektivas
pilsetas un jaunizveidota novada telu, kas varetu piesaistit arejos un
iekšejos investorus.
Novada attistibas merkis ir veicinat teritorijas
daudzveidibu, lidzsvarotu un ilgtspejigu ekonomisko attistibu, lai veicinatu
iedzivotaju labklajibu, nodrošinatu esošo resursu sapratigu
izlietošanu, vides kvalitates saglabašanu un uzlabošanu.