Ahnenforschung in Preussen & Lippe



August Hepe and Karoline Tichman

My great grandparents, August Hepe and his wife Karoline nee Tichman, came to Australia in the 1860s, probably from Hannover. I have documents showing Palandsmuhle bei Othfresen, Edental and Bredelem near Goslar. Karoline was born in 1826, and had a brother called Theodor. They left behind their eldest son, Ernst, born in 1852 to complete his apprenticeship, but brought to Australia their daughters Maude, Marie and Ida.

If anyone has any information about the Hepe family I would be most interested to hear it.


Name: Joy Ogley
Datum: 1.07.2005


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Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt,
dass er seinen
eingeborenen Sohn gab,
auf dass alle,
die an ihn glauben,
nicht verloren werden,
sondern das ewige Leben haben.
Joh. 3,16

Wer mich bekennt
vor den Menschen,
den will ich bekennen
vor meinem himmlichen Vater.
Matth. 10,32

Von guten Mächten
wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost,
was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am
Abend und am Morgen
und ganz gewiss
an jedem neuen Tag.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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